Sunday, August 28, 2011

Paradise Lost By Milton Prt. 2

Satan accuses God of being a tyrant, which is why he rebelled. How do you define tyranny? What are some biblical examples that Satan uses to prove God’s tyranny? For instance, he quotes instances when God punished disobedience by placing His people (i.e. Israelites) in captivity. Could this be considered tyranny? Why or why not?

A personal definiton, more of an explanation of what I feel tyranny to be, would be a ruler that dominates the people with excessive force and abuses their position by harming the people to better himself. I think that it is important to note that God does not fit either of the above instances. God does not use excessive force, nor does he harm the people for selfish reasons.

When dealing with the idea of domination by excessive force, there are several instances that Satan (and others) might use to show God's "tyranny". One case might be the Plagues that God cast upon Egypt. However, one must remember that God sent a messenger warning the Pharoh. Another might point to the time that God commanded that the Israelites kill all the people from a people that they encountered. In this instance, one might consider the idea of God's omniscience and that He might have been protecting His people from future persecution.

On the second idea, it is wise to remember that God is a God of love. If God is love he cannot be selfish. To love is, in a sense, the exact opposite of selfish. A person gives their time, their presence, thier life to another when they are in love. God does the same. He might scold his peope, but He does it out of love and kindness. Is His God-like "tsk tsk" of disapproval a little rough to our standards? Yes. But He is God and He knows what we can and cannot handle.

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